Since your citation will come at the end of your sentence make sure to end with a period outside the parentheses. To cite a government website in a reference entry in APA style 6th edition include the following elements. Free Apa 7th Edition Citation Generator Edubirdie Com Essay Writing Help Best Essay Writing Service Essay Writing However the format changes slightly for each which we explain below. . In the parentheses should be the authors last name and the year the work was published separated by a comma. You may provide a page number preceded by p for one page or pp for multiple pages as well if the passage or idea you are paraphrasing is on a certain page or set of pages. Website references are covered in Section 1016 of the APA Publication Manual Seventh Edition. Cite a PDF similar to an online book. A website citation included in an APA-format bibliography doesnt need a publisher so you do not need to worry whether...